Pediatric Dentist

At our practice in Zell am Moos, the well-being of our young patients is our top priority. We know what children like. A friendly welcome, a small play area, and children’s movies on our flat screens above the dental chairs help alleviate your child’s fear of the dentist and promote relaxation and good spirits.

We recommend regular dental visits starting from the first baby tooth. The earlier children visit the dentist, the more they perceive it as something completely normal, reducing their fear. The team at Jakolitsch M.Sc. Dental Practice is specially trained and takes care of young patients lovingly and attentively.


The Importance of Treating Diseased Baby Teeth

Dear parents,

We want to explain to you why it is so important to treat diseased baby teeth early. Not only can they cause pain, but they can also have negative effects on the future permanent dentition.

If a baby tooth is diseased and left untreated, the following complications may arise:

  • Decay can spread to the root and jawbone.
  • This can lead to pain and inflammation.
  • Subsequent tooth growth may be affected.
  • And not to forget, it can cause bad breath.

Baby teeth also play a crucial role in jaw growth and speech development. If a diseased baby tooth is treated early, decay can be stopped, and the baby tooth can be saved. This prevents the formation of a gap that can lead to dental misalignment and an irregular permanent dentition.

Therefore, it is crucial to undergo regular check-ups and to have diseased baby teeth treated in a timely manner. This way, we can maintain your child’s long-term dental health.

What Happens When a Baby Tooth Needs to Be Removed?

Sometimes it is necessary to remove a baby tooth due to decay or inflammation. This can have implications for the entire chewing apparatus. Baby teeth play an important role in jaw and dental development. If a baby tooth is lost prematurely and the space is not preserved, the growing tooth may not erupt properly, leading to further problems.

This is where the space maintainer comes into play. A space maintainer helps preserve the space until the permanent tooth is ready to erupt.

There are two types of space maintainers:

  • Removable space maintainer: If several baby teeth are missing, we usually use a removable space maintainer, which looks like a special dental brace. This space maintainer is easy to clean and can be adjusted if more baby teeth are lost. You and your child can choose the colors of the space maintainer freely. For the treatment to be successful, it is essential that the space maintainer is worn regularly.
  • Fixed space maintainer: If only one tooth is missing, we use a fixed space maintainer. A small metal ring is attached to the neighboring tooth, and a counterpart for the gap is attached to it. Once the growing tooth appears, the space maintainer is removed. During this time, thorough oral hygiene is particularly important.

Healthy Teeth for Life

Our primary goal is the dental health of our young patients. Therefore, we recommend at least two dental check-ups per year. To keep the teeth of our youngest patients healthy for as long as possible, we recommend starting professional oral hygiene in childhood. These sessions include a toothbrushing school, where children learn how to properly care for their teeth. Our trained prophylaxis specialists not only teach children how to brush their teeth in a playful way but also contribute to increased awareness of dental health.

We are happy to provide comprehensive advice in our practice. Simply contact us using the button below.

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